New Families

We cannot express enough how much we appreciate the people and families that chose us when they decided to add a golden retriever to their family circle. Not only does it give us peace of mind that our “babies” have went to wonderful homes, we have made some great life long friends.

Christine and Remi 1st Visit
Christine and Remi 1st Visit
Leigh & Sydney
Leigh & Sydney

“She is still doing so great! She is the best dog ever 🙂  We have a personal trainer now. She is learning so much! She has the sweetest personality. “- Leah Gehrman

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new families 003
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The Oliver’s and Ranger
The Oliver’s and Ranger

Ranger is our fourth Golden Retriever. I traveled all over the state and spoke with numerous breeders and owners for more than a year before we decided to wait until Danielle and Randy Scruggs had a puppy available for us. Before the puppy was born, after the puppy was born, and even now that he’s settled into our home, Danielle and Randy have encouraged us to visit at any time. Their experience in breeding, raising, training and loving dogs turns out amazing puppies, and we couldn’t be happier with our Ranger. From day 1, Ranger was part of a loving circle of the Scruggs’ active family, friends and dogs. I really believe this is why his adjustment into our family was so smooth. As I write this, Ranger is taking a nap. His tail is wagging and he’s dreaming away, all sprawled out in his crate. In a few minutes, he’ll be up, chasing his toys all over the room. He’s been the perfect puppy. We’re truly grateful to the Scruggs for our Golden Ranger!  Cheryl Oliver

Best Friends
Best Friends
Crayton and Mack
Crayton and Mack
The Phillips and Sadie Grace
The Phillips and Sadie Grace
Don and Jane with Barkley
Don and Jane with Barkley
Christine and Remington
Christine and Remington